Virgin: A Mafia Billionaire Romance Read online

Page 11

  She gives a small nod, then looks out the window. The silence that hangs between us is heavy, awkward. I don’t want it to continue. I want things to be like they were before. I want the comradery between us like when we were sipping wine by the fire. I flip to another page in my journal. I ask, “Would you like to hear one about Sophia?”

  She looks at me in surprise. “Sure. I mean, if you’re sure you want to share.”

  I pick the haiku. It’s not a great piece of literature, but it best describes what I was feeling at the time.

  Sweet spirit and smile

  Her innocence and beauty

  Ashes gone forever

  I close the journal and slide it back into my bag. I give her a side glance. Tears shine in her eyes...

  “It’s beautiful. It made me feel a tiny bit of what you must have been feeling.” She takes my hand in hers. Holding it tightly.

  Healing my heart.

  Leaving me wondering, what have I done?

  The hours pass like minutes. Each one bringing us closer to the Village. Each one ticking by, counting down these precious moments I have her to myself.

  When we arrive, it’s business as usual.

  Her placeholder.

  Waiting around while she looks for Mr. Right. I won’t get in the way—I’ve already made that promise to myself. But I sure as hell can help with the screening side of things. There’s no way I’m letting some addle-brained frat boy—

  “Two minutes till landing.” Nicholas places his hand on my shoulder as he speaks, interrupting my thoughts, stopping my anger from rising, for which I’m grateful. I’ve got to get a hold of my emotions.

  Remember she isn’t mine.

  “Thanks, man.” He responds with a nod. He takes a long look at Adrianna. Her head rests on my shoulder as she sleeps. He throws me a curious glance. “It’s nothing.”

  He flashes me a devilish smile. A wink. Keeps moving down the aisle.

  He sees right through me.


  Nicholas is one I’ve never been able to keep things from. My right-hand man in the Parish and will be now in the Village. When he first arrived, the guys gave him shit for his hair. It’s dark, almost black, a pile of curls on top of his head. He laughed off their banter, saying, “I wear it how the ladies like it,” and flashed his dimples, the ones that soon became famous with the Beauties. The brotherhood quickly realized what I already knew when I recruited him—though Nicholas has a baby face, he’s lethal. In two weeks’ time he had the respect of every male family member... and a steady stream of baked goods from the females. He swears he’s put on ten pounds since arriving at the Parish, but his belly is as flat and hard as the rest of ours.

  I turn to Adrianna. She’s sleeping so peacefully, I hate to wake her. Also, I don’t want this perfect moment to end. Nicholas must have been able to read the contentment on my face. I nudge her knee. Give my shoulder a shimmy. “Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.”

  She rouses, looking surprised that she slept on my shoulder. She smiles shyly at me, rubs the sleep from her eyes. “Are we here?”

  “We’re getting ready to land.”

  “I can’t wait to see everyone.” She looks out the window. “Oh, look! It’s the city skyline!”

  I lean over her shoulder, enjoying the view. The city that never sleeps.

  The next few hours are a whirlwind. Reunited with the Beauties, Adrianna is swept away to the rooftop bar for girl talk. A few women send me long, knowing glances, as if the flush on her cheeks was put there by me. As if they can sense that their precious Adrianna is no longer a virgin.

  God, I hope women can’t sense that kind of thing. Can they?

  I spot Tess’s red locks. She stands next to Rockland, her hand around his lower back. Rockland gives her a look that makes me want Adrianna. He runs a hand over his short beard, laughs at something she says. His skin’s not as dark at the last time I saw him—not enough sun here in New York. His hair’s a bit longer than I remember but otherwise, he’s the same fearless leader. He looks over to where I stand. Catches my eye. His signature half smile rises on his face. He excuses himself from Tess. She looks over her shoulder, lifting her hand in a wave.

  I return it, nerves tightening my muscles as I watch Rockland stride over to me. He greets me, pulling me into a hard hug. “I can’t thank you enough, Dante. Getting her to the house and on lockdown that fast—I owe you one.”

  “No, you don’t.” There’s an edge to my words I hope he doesn’t pick up on. He looks at me curiously. Lightening my tone, I smile, saying, “It was my pleasure.”

  He slaps me on the back. “Come. I want to show you where you’ll be staying. It’s Mary’s old house and she kept that thing spotless. It probably still smells like her brownies.”

  I follow him, leaving Adrianna at the restaurant with the Beauties. As I leave, I give her one last look.

  Rockland says, “Don’t worry. She’ll be fine. She’s surrounded by brothers.”

  That’s what has me worried. She stands amongst the Beauties, catching up on gossip. A few men at the bar stare openly at her long legs. Her pretty face.

  She does not belong to me. I repeat the words, chanting my new mantra silently in my mind as we walk down the quiet street to the house. Rockland says, “It’s just a few doors down from Adrianna’s. She’ll be staying in Sasha and Carter’s old house, now that they’re settled in the Parish.”

  I nod.

  We go up the steps. He signals at the black box. “Go ahead. John programmed your print before he left.”

  I press my thumb against the box and the door swings open. The lights are on, the house immaculate. I step inside, follow Rockland for the tour. The walls are painted a pale blue, almost gray. The trim shines white as if it’s just had a fresh coat of paint. My furniture hasn’t yet arrived, so the place is bare. Downstairs, a huge kitchen with dark cabinets and white marble countertops. The second floor, a good-sized living room with wood-burning fireplace, and an empty room that can serve as an office. And the entire third floor, a massive bedroom with in-suite bathroom. Double showerheads.

  There’s a cot set up on the floor.

  Emphasizing how empty this room is.

  Rockland gives me a funny look. “Everything good? Your furniture will be here in a few days.”

  All I can think of is how I’ve fucked his baby girl cousin.

  He’s going to murder me. Slit my belly and feed my insides to the dogs.

  Every muscle in my body is tense. Sweat pricks at my lower back. I rub the back of my neck. “Rockland... I—”

  His dark eyes lock on mine. That muscle in his jaw twitches. “I know.”

  The words form icicles in my gut. He’s brought me here alone to handle me. Punish me for my transgressions. The muscles in my body tense, preparing for a fight. Or to block a punch at the least. It doesn’t come. His hands go to his waist. “Why do you think I picked you?”

  My brow creases. “What do you mean?”

  “You think I wanted her to come here, start dating some douche from the city?”

  “You set us up?”

  He shrugs. “I chose you to be her guardian for a reason. I can’t take credit for the lockdown, but yes, the choice was intentional. When Adrianna first asked me if she could come to the Village I was ecstatic. But then, worry began to set in. One day, I was spouting off to Tess. Telling her how unsettled I felt to have Adrianna coming here without protection—she’s so innocent, sweet. I told Tess I was enacting the hierarchy, creating a placeholder until Adrianna found a suitable man in the city. You know what Tess said?”


  He gives a laugh at my directness. “The woman didn’t even miss a beat. She said, why would your cousin need to meet an outsider when she has a perfectly good match in the family. Then, she suggested you, telling me she’s always had a sense about these things. Reminding me that she was the one who made the introduction of Sasha to Carter. You made quite an impression on Tess when she
first visited the Parish.”

  “You and Tess are trying to match-make Adrianna and me?”

  “Maybe. Depends on what fate has in store, but yes, picking you was a nudge.”

  My mind spins. He’s hoping Adrianna falls for me? Saving him the heartache of seeing her marrying outside of the family and leave the Village? “So you see me as more than a placeholder for her?”

  “For the time being, yes.”

  “You and Tess are hoping for an arranged marriage?”

  He laughs. “One thing Adrianna won’t stand for and that’s being forced into anything. If she wants you—trust me—she’ll have you. If not...” He ends with a shrug.

  “I’m not sure how I feel about being set up.”

  “Take it as a compliment.” His hand rests heavy on my shoulder. He leans in, his gaze burning into mine. “Any other man laid a finger on her, and I’d kill them.”

  He gives me a slap on my back, delivering his message.

  You’re lucky to be alive.

  He leaves. As soon as I hear the door shut, I slump down to the floor, leaning the back of my head against the wall. I can’t believe he already knew. I can’t believe he wasn’t furious. And Tess... she thinks the two of us would be good together.

  You’d think this knowledge would simplify things. But it doesn’t. It leaves me in a swirl of emotions, thoughts. My feelings for her are so strong. We could be together. But what if she truly just wanted a release, to have her first experience with someone she trusts.

  Does she feel what I do? This thing between us, pulsing with a life of its own? Or was it just a magical two days, ended by our return to reality?

  There’s a soft knock on the door. I know it’s her before I open it.

  She stands on my stoop. Blue velvet blanket she’s borrowed from my house, wrapped around her shoulders. “I can’t sleep. I’ve never slept alone before. At home, we had a big family, people always pouring in and out. Then, in the Parish, I always lived with another family. I... I’m scared to stay by myself in that big house.”

  “I’ll stay with you. I’ll sleep on the floor.”

  “Sasha left all her furniture for me. Said it wouldn’t go with the Mediterranean feel of the Parish. You can have the bed. I’ll take the couch.”

  “You’re not sleeping on the couch.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I give her the look.

  She holds her hand, blanket twisted around it, waving it like a flag of surrender. “Okay, okay! I’ll take the bed.” She looks down at her bare feet, pressing one on top of the other. Her voice is so quiet I almost don’t hear what she says. “You could join me, you know.”

  “Adrianna—I don’t think that would be a good idea. And why the hell are you out here, barefooted?”

  “Just as friends, you know. Just a cuddle?” Her wide eyes look up at me. Rockland’s words run through my mind. If she wants you, she’ll have you. If not...

  I know our time alone together will be a memory I carry with me for the rest of my life. But I can’t risk having my heart broken. Not again. My feelings for her have become too strong, too quickly. And I don’t want to feel that for someone again.

  Not if I’m risking losing them.

  “I’ll take the couch. Let’s get you home.” Grab her up in a bundle of hair and blanket and legs, toss her over my shoulder. Try to ignore the way her tinkling giggles tug at my heart. I give her ass a hearty slap, enjoying the squeal that rises from her. “And next time, wear shoes.”

  I carry her to her new house. Telling myself with every step I take, I’m not falling for Adrianna.

  Chapter Five


  I feel almost as if it’s my wedding day. The Beauties are bustling around me fussing over me as a gaggle of hens would a bride. Curling my hair, touching up my lip gloss—I told them go easy on the makeup—and adjusting my green silk dress. It’s Tess’s and it fits everywhere but it’s a few inches shorter on me than her. She eyed me approvingly, saying, “You look perfect. Keep it.”

  When I saw the name of the designer on the tag I thought I couldn’t possibly. The garment cost more than my entire book collection. But then I saw myself in the full-length mirror and just couldn’t bring myself to decline the gift. So I said, “Thank you, Tess.”

  Before she walks out of the room, she whispers in my ear in that lilting voice of hers, “It matches his eyes.”

  At her mention of him a flush creeps into my skin.

  Does she know? Do they all know? I take one more look at my reflection and there’s no denying it. I look different. More like a woman, less like a little girl. There’s a knowing look in my gaze, a confident tilt to my chin. One that only comes from a woman knowing the secrets of the flesh. The pleasure of having her body ravaged by—

  Someone’s snapping their fingers in front of my face. “Adrianna! Earth to Adrianna. You’re off daydreaming again.”

  “About Dante!” someone chimes in. The women giggle.

  Bronson’s come for the ceremony, and with him, his curvy little wife, Paige. She has dark hair cut into a blunt stylish fashion, her lovely face framed with thick bangs. She arrived in a short, hot pink dress and pink heels. Now she grabs my hand, tugging me into the adjacent room.

  I’m a foot taller than her in my heels, but she drags me behind her nonetheless. We enter the empty room and she shuts the door. I breathe a sigh of relief. She appraises me, picking imaginary lint from the green silk of my dress. She coils the end of one of my curls around her finger, tightening it then gently laying it over my shoulder. “Ignore them. They love to gossip.”

  “I don’t mind. They’re sweet. And they’ve all been so welcoming of me. I was nervous—coming from the Parish and not really knowing any of the girls, but they’re great.”

  She gives me a reassuring smile. “They love you. They’re all so happy you’re here.” Her dark brow creases as she leans in. “Do you want to talk about tonight? I know you must be nervous. It’s your first ceremony and all.”

  “I don’t think so. I already went through all the Village protocol—you know the security clearance, background check, signed the contract—”

  “And filled out ten thousand boring papers?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Well, tonight will be much more glamorous than all that. Each ceremony is a little different so I can’t tell you exactly what to expect. For example—mine had candles but they said they can’t trust you with candles because you might burn the place down if you go off into one of your daydreams. No offense.” She quickly looks up to see if she’s offended me.

  I laugh. “None taken.”

  “You’ll take your pledge—since you’re not marrying into the family, obviously you’ll be skipping the wedding vows, the name-changing ceremony all of that—and then the most romantic part...” Her voice trails off and her eyes go shiny.


  “When he places the sword around your neck. It’s breathtaking. Oh, that feeling of having a man pledge his life to protect yours... mark you with his sword. It gives me tingles just thinking—”

  “He’s already marked me with his sword,” I mumble. Paige’s eyes fling open wide, her hand covering her gaping mouth. Oops. Had I said that out loud? “Ah... just a joke?”

  She raises a brow. Flashes me a knowing smile that makes butterflies lift in my stomach. I’ve just confessed. She puts her hand on my shoulder. “Just be sure you stay on top of the pill—unless you want to join me in the Hamlet. Motherhood is the best, the very best. But you really shouldn’t rush it. Speaking of—” her hand goes to her full breasts, “I’ve got to go. It’s time to feed Thomas. So nice of Rockland, letting us bring him with us.”

  “Okay, well... see you out there?”

  She pulls me into a tight squeeze. “You’ll do great. And honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if this isn’t your last ceremony in the Village.” She gives me a wink, scurrying from the room.

  I call after her,
“What do you mean?” but she’s gone.

  And now, the Beauties are surrounding me, pulling me through the family restaurant chanting, “It’s time!”

  They escort me up the three flights of stairs it takes to get to the rooftop. They open the door, the cool night air rushes toward me, caressing my face and refreshing my skin.

  It’s beautiful.

  There are twinkling white lights strung crisscross over the whole roof creating a soft, glowing canopy. Everyone is elegantly dressed in gowns, the men in handsome suits. They line two sides of the rooftop, making an aisle down the center.

  And at the end of that aisle stands Dante.

  I’ve never seen him in anything other than a tee-shirt and jeans. The transformation is shocking. He’s so handsome, so confident standing there, his hands clasped before him. He wears a crisp black suit, white button-down beneath. My heart feels full, a warmth stirs between my legs. His face is a mask of indifference.

  When he sees me, a light fills his eyes.

  It’s the same look he got whenever he’d enter a room at his house and see me. When I entered his room, that first night. The very same look I saw last night, when I showed up barefoot at his door.

  A smile stretches across my face. My heart beats faster in my chest. Someone gives me a nudge, and my feet obediently glide down the aisle. I’m drawn to him like a magnet. I reach the end of the aisle. Stand facing him. A few feet of space separate us.

  Rockland begins to speak. Telling of the traditions of the family. The importance of men laying down their lives to protect our women. Of chivalry and other beautiful words...but I don’t hear anything he says because all I can think of is Dante’s eyes and how they make me feel when I stare into them.

  Dante’s gaze breaks mine, falling to his clasped hands. He lifts them, exposing a delicate charm. A sword dotted with diamonds and a tiny green emerald. The same color as his eyes.

  Rockland says my name, “Adrianna.” I turn to him. He wants me to focus on his words, understand what I’m committing to. I train my gaze on him, ignoring the tug I feel to get another look at the necklace, and listen. Rockland says, “The sword is a symbol of our creed, the way we live our lives, the care and protection of a man for a woman. The sword signifies your place in the hierarchy underneath Dante’s protection—the length he is willing to go to, the sacrifice he would willingly make. Dante will be your placeholder until you find such a man to commit your life to. He will offer you the protection and care that a Bachman man offers a woman during your stay here in the Village.”